Peaches are round fruits that range in size from 5 to 9 centimeters in diameter. They are distinguished by a downy fuzz covering their thin skins. The fruits mature from green to yellow and then orange with deep red blushing on the side facing the sun. The deep orange flesh is aromatic and juicy and may or may not cling to the hard, almond-shaped central stone. Peaches offer a sweet flavor, balancing sugar and acid for a well-rounded flavor.
Peaches are available year-round, with a peak season during the summer months.
Peaches are ideal for eating raw and are used in a variety of cooked applications, from savory to sweet. Freestone varieties are most often used for fresh eating and are most common in markets. Some varieties are typically used for processing but are also becoming more popular at farmer?s markets. Wash Peaches thoroughly before using. They are sliced for fruit salads or tossed green salads or used for canapes or hors d?oeurves. They are blended into smoothies or milkshakes, or juiced for beverages, cocktails, vinaigrette's or dressings. Peaches are ideal for baking, grilling and processing into jams, syrups, ice creams or preserved in syrup. Their most common use is for baking into desserts like cakes, pies, tarts and galettes. Sliced Peaches can be frozen or canned. Store them in the refrigerator for up to a week.